Benedetta Alosi works for the Messina University Library System and she has contributed to the set up and running of the University Digital Library. She has also promoted Open Access and supported the launch of Open Access Journals and the implementation of the Institutional Repository “MUS”.
She is currently member of the CRUI National Open Access Group.
She was coordinator of the CASPUR-CIBER Consortium which dealt with electronic resources for Universities based in Central and Southern Italy.
She was also part of the National team CARE, the CRUI National Group for coordinating the negotiation and purchase of electronic resources.
In 2004, in collaboration with a National Commettee, she organized the Italian Workshop on Open Access which led to Messina Declaration.
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She is currently member of the CRUI National Open Access Group.
She was coordinator of the CASPUR-CIBER Consortium which dealt with electronic resources for Universities based in Central and Southern Italy.
She was also part of the National team CARE, the CRUI National Group for coordinating the negotiation and purchase of electronic resources.
In 2004, in collaboration with a National Commettee, she organized the Italian Workshop on Open Access which led to Messina Declaration.
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Stefania Arabito started working at the University of Trieste in 1987 as a cataloguer and reference librarian, immediately after graduating in Translation Studies. She received an MSc in Information Studies with distinction from the School of Informatics at Northumbria University in 2005, and got increasingly interested in Open Access. She moved out of the Library System in 2008 to design and implement the integrated workflow for self-archiving and disseminating PhD theses through the University institutional repository. She is currently Open Access advisor and member of the Open Access Committee at the University of Trieste.
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Stefano Bianco is a First Researcher at Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati dell’INFN. A physicists currently working in the CMS Collaboration at CERN (Geneva, Switzerland) on both data analysis and detector research&development, he has served as head of the Scientific Information Service of Frascati Laboratories. He is the OA reference for INFN, and Italian representative for the SCOAP3 consortium.
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Roberto Caso è Professore Associato di Diritto Privato Comparato all’Università di Trento, Facoltà di Giurisprudenza, e co-direttore del Gruppo LawTech. Insegna Diritto Civile, Diritto Comparato della Proprietà Intellettuale e Diritto Privato dell’Informatica. Ha pubblicato in qualità di autore o curatore molti libri e articoli in materia di Proprietà Intellettuale, Diritto della Riservatezza e Protezione dei Dati Personali, Diritto dei Contratti. E’ Delegato del Rettore dell’Università di Trento per l’Open Access e le politiche contro il plagio.
Antonella De Robbio currently is Coordinator for the Law Libraries at the University of Padova in Italy. She is referent for the copyright and intellectual property issues for the Library System. She has implemented Institutional Repository Padua@research for research papers and PhD Thesis at University of Padua. In 2003 she implemented E-LIS, an internazional open access archive for scientific or technical documents, published or unpublished, in Librarianship, Information Science and Technology, and related application activities. At CRUI (Conference of the Italian Rectors – Open Access WG) she is involved – since 2005 – as an expert member on copyright and intellectual property policies. Since 2013 she is involved in the special WG on scholarly publications inside The National Agency for assessment of the University system and Research (ANVUR). Researcherid – Google Scholar
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Roberto Delle Donne is Associate university professor in Medieval History and History of Medieval Historiography at “Federico II” University in Naples.
He is Coordinator of Course of Studies in History and National Coordinator of PRIN 2010-2011: Concepts, Practices and Institutions of a Discipline: Italian Medieval Studies in 19th and 20th Centuries.
He is member of the German Medievalists’ Society (Deutscher Mediävistenverband) and Executive Board Member of the Italian Medievalists’ Society (Società Italiana degli Storici Medievisti).
Since 1998 he is Coeditor-in-Chief of Reti Medievali (, a set of Open Access initiatives devoted to medieval studies.
He is Director of CAB – Center for Libraries at “Federico II” University of Naples.
Since 2006 Coordinator of the Open Access Group for the “Council of Italian Universities Rectors” (CRUI – Conferenza dei Rettori delle Università Italiane).
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He is Coordinator of Course of Studies in History and National Coordinator of PRIN 2010-2011: Concepts, Practices and Institutions of a Discipline: Italian Medieval Studies in 19th and 20th Centuries.
He is member of the German Medievalists’ Society (Deutscher Mediävistenverband) and Executive Board Member of the Italian Medievalists’ Society (Società Italiana degli Storici Medievisti).
Since 1998 he is Coeditor-in-Chief of Reti Medievali (, a set of Open Access initiatives devoted to medieval studies.
He is Director of CAB – Center for Libraries at “Federico II” University of Naples.
Since 2006 Coordinator of the Open Access Group for the “Council of Italian Universities Rectors” (CRUI – Conferenza dei Rettori delle Università Italiane).
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Paola Gargiulo is responsible for EC funded projects related to OA and OA training activities at CINECA. She has been involved in promoting OA in Italy and abroad since 2004, previously she was in charge of electronic resources licensing for the universities of Centre-South Italy. She coordinates the OA wiki- Italia and the National Open Access Desk of the OpenAIRE project. She was member of the CRUI Library Committee OA Working Group (2006-2013) and of the European University Association OA Working Group (2007-2008) and the Board di SPARC Europe (2008-2012). Currently she is involved with Outreach Outreach Working Group of SCOAP3 initiative.
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Paolo V. Giaquinta is a professor of “Physics of Matter”, the field in which he has carried out so far his research activity, mainly oriented to the study of the properties of liquid and soft matter, with theoretical and numerical methods based on the atomistic modelling and computer simulation of interacting systems. He is also the director of the Science Division of the Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, a learned society formed in Messina in 1729, and the chairman of the editorial board of AAPP | Physical, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences, an open-access multidisciplinary journal published online by the same Division.
Elena Giglia is Head of the Open Access Office at the University of Turin. She is a member of the “Open Access working group” at CRUI (Conference of Italian Universities Rectors). Her working area covers also research assessment issues: she is a member of the local “Research Evaluation” technical team at the University of Turin and a member of the “Open Access and Evaluation” working group at ANVUR (National Agency for Research Evaluation). She is in the Editorial Board of “JLIS – Italian Journal of Library and Information Science” and in the Scientific Committee of Open Edition Italia. She participates in national and international conferences, and writes and lectures on Open Access and Open Data. She took part as Italian expert in several EU Workshops on Open Access and Open Data.
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Tommaso Giordano is Director of the Library at the European University Institute in Florence. A graduate of modern literature at the University of Naples, he continued his education in library and information science at the University of Rome and in the United Kingdom. He began his professional career as an academic librarian at the University of Florence, in 1972; in 1983 he joined the European University Institute. He has extensive experience in library co-operation and networking, in Italy and abroad (Europe, Asia, America). He was a core member of the team that developed the SBN project (Italian Library Network). He was President of the Italian Library Association (1991-93) and a member of the executive committee of EBLIDA (European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations) and, more recently, Member of OCLC Global Council (2013-2014). From 1994 to 2009 he was External Professor in Library Management at the University of Venice. He has written numerous publications on diverse topics – in Italian and international professional journals and books (in English, Spanish and French) – covering academic libraries, library networking and consortia, e-resources management and digital preservation. He is currently President of INFER, the Italian consortium forum for electronic resources.
Mauro Guerrini è professore ordinario di Biblioteconomia all’Università di Firenze. Dal 2002 è coordinatore del Master biennale in Catalogazione. È membro del collegio docenti del dottorato di ricerca in Scienze bibliografiche dell’Università di Udine e. dal 2013, del collegio docenti del dottorato in Storia dell’Università di Firenze. Ha insegnato nelle Università di Udine, Roma La Sapienza e ha tenuto corsi alla Luiss, al Consorzio universitario Nettuno e all’Università telematica Uninettuno. È membro del comitato scientifico delle principali riviste di biblioteconomia italiane e di alcune straniere. Dirige la serie Pinakes; è fondatore e direttore della rivista online, open access e peer reviewed . È stato chairman di numerosi congressi scientifici nazionali e internazionali, fra cui FRBR (2000), Risorse elettroniche (2001), Authority control (2003), Global interoperability and linked data in libraries (2012); dal 2005 al 2011 è stato presidente dell’AIB. È membro di diverse associazioni internazionali, tra cui l’IFLA; è stato presidente del Comitato IFLA Milan 2009. Ha partecipato con relazioni a numerosi convegni e seminari di studio in Italia e all’estero. Dal 2010 è membro del Gruppo di lavoro sull’open access della CRUI; è presidente della Commissione OA dell’Università di Firenze. Ricopre vari incarichi scientifici nel settore della catalogazione. Si occupa principalmente di catalogazione, su cui ha pubblicato numerosi libri e saggi; gran parte delle sue opere recenti è liberamente accessibile nel repository Flore dell’Università di Firenze.
Paolo Manghi è ricercatore presso l’Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell’Informazione del CNR di Pisa dal 2006. In particolare è membro del gruppo di ricerca InfraScience, parte del laboratorio NeMIS ( Negli ultimi anni la sua ricerca si è incentrata principalmente sullo sviluppo di tecnologie a supporto della comunicazione scientifica e delle infrastrutture dati per la scienza. Ad oggi è inoltre incaricato come ricercatore e/o coordinatore tecnologico per i progetti OpenAIREplus, iCORDI, RDA, e EAGLE della Commissione Europea e per il progetto S&TDL del CNR.
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Susanna Mornati is responsible for IT solutions for research information management at CINECA. She holds a strong competence in the domain of research management, dissemination and evaluation of research results, sustained by a vast experience in project and program management in complex environments since 26 years. She participates as an expert in the activities of several committees and serves on a number of international scientific boards. She writes and lectures on various aspects of IT management for research, open access and open repositories.
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Pierre Mounier is deputy director of OpenEdition, a comprehensive infrastructure based in France for open access publication and communication in thehumanities and social sciences. OpenEdition offers several platforms for journals, scientific announcements, academic blogs, and, finally, books, in different languages and from different countries. Pierre teaches digital humanities at the EHESS in Paris. He has published several books about the social and political impact of ICT (Les Maîtres du Réseau, les enjeux politiques d’Internet 2001), digital publishing (L’Edition électronique, with Marin Dacos, 2010) and digital humanities (Read/Write Book 2, Une introduction aux humanités numériques, 2012). As deputy director of OpenEdition, Pierre Mounier’s work mainly revolves around the development of an internationalisation strategy for the infrastructure, in particular by establishing partnerships with platforms and institutions in Europe and elsewhere. To further this objective, he regularly participates in international conferences and seminars to present OpenEdition’s programmes and discuss subjects relating to digital humanities and open access. Pierre Mounier participates in the activities of Dariah, the European infrastructure for digital humanities, and co-pilots the “Open Access” group within the French infrastructure BSN.
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Cameron Neylon is Advocacy Director for the Public Library of Science, a research biophysicist and well known agitator for opening up the process of research. He speaks regularly on issues of Open Science including Open Access publication, Open Data, and Open Source as well as the wider technical and social issues of applying the opportunities the internet brings to the practice of science. He was named as a SPARC Innovator in July 2010 for work on the Panton Principles and is a proud recipient of the Blue Obelisk for contributions to open data. He writes regularly at his blog, Science in the Open.
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Maria Chiara Pievatolo is Associate Professor of Political Philosophy in the Department of Political Sciences at the University of Pisa. She has been theorizing and practicing the open access publishing in the field of humanities since the 90s of the last century, first as Political Philosophy editor of the Sito Web Italiano per la Filosofia (SWIF) founded by Luciano Floridi, and then as curator and founder of the “Bollettino telematico di filosofia politica”, of the “Giuliano Marini” Archive, and of the book series “Methexis”. She is also a member of the open access Crui committee and of the Nexa Center for Internet & Society Board of Trustees. Her latest book is Sette scritti politici liberi (Firenze University Press, 2011), which contains the Italian translation of the major political works of Immanuel Kant, from the essay on the Enlightenment up to the writing on progress. Its hypertextual version is openly accessible on the web.
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Elisabetta Poltronieri is currently working at the Publishing Unit of the Institute. Her main responsibilities include bibliographic editing and the diffusion of scientific publications authored by the Institute’s researchers. She deals with the bibliographic control (including indexing with MeSH terms in English and Italian) of material stored in DSpace ISS (, the digital institutional repository, open access compliant, archiving the publications of the internal research staff and those produced by the Italian research institutions partners of ISS.
As far as professional activity at international level: in 2005 she was appointed by the EC as expert for her contribution to the activities of REI (Rete di Eccellenza dell’Italiano Istituzionale) in health terminology; Since July 2012 she has been working as a member of the Reference Group Health and Social Services appointed by the EC Commission for developing the ESCO multilingual classification of European Skills/Competences, Qualifications and Occupations.List of publications available at:
ISS – pubblicazioni
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As far as professional activity at international level: in 2005 she was appointed by the EC as expert for her contribution to the activities of REI (Rete di Eccellenza dell’Italiano Istituzionale) in health terminology; Since July 2012 she has been working as a member of the Reference Group Health and Social Services appointed by the EC Commission for developing the ESCO multilingual classification of European Skills/Competences, Qualifications and Occupations.List of publications available at:
ISS – pubblicazioni
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Celina Ramjoué is Head of Sector on Open Access to Scientific Publications and Data within the Digital Science Unit of the European Commission’s DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology (CONNECT). Celina has worked as a policy officer on open access, open science and science and society issues within the European Commission’s since 2005. Prior to joining the European Commission, Celina was a researcher in the field of comparative public policy at the University of Zurich. Celina holds a B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. in political science and foreign affairs (Universities of Virginia, Munich and Zurich) and has spent time as a visiting researcher at Harvard University and the European University Institute.
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Bernard Rentier graduated as a Biologist from Liege University (ULg) in 1970 and obtained a doctorate degree in Experimental Biomedical Sciences also at ULg in 1976, working on the structure of the Influenza virus envelope. He took then a 5 years post-doctoral position at the NIH, Bethesda MD, where he worked on the latency of measles virus in nerve cells. In 1981, he returned to ULg where he worked on the latency of varicella-zoster virus. He became successively Professor, Vice-rector and Rector. Since 1997, as Vice-rector in charge of Research and Libraries, he undertook a vast reform, concentrating 28 libraries into 4 and modernizing considerably the equipment and management. Since 2005, as Rector, he decided to create an institutional repository (ORBi) with an immediate deposit/open access mandate launched in November 2009 that achieved one of the fastest growth rates worldwide. He has been a strong advocate of Open Access for many years and has created EOS (EnablingOpenScholarship), an organization supporting the implementation of Open Access in universities and research institutions worldwide.
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Anna Maria Tammaro is member of the CEN of AIB (Italian Library Association) and Chair of the IFLA Section Library Theory and Research. From 2011 to 2013, Chair of IFLA Division IV, member of IFLA Governing Board. From 2011 to 2014 Vice-President of the AIUCD (Associazione Informatica Umanistica e Cultura Digitale) and current Treasurer. PhD in Information Science from University of Northumbria. She has started the first University press in Florence, opened the first e-print repository in 2000 and organized the first Conferences on Open Access in Florence in 2001 and 2002.
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Maria Bellantone is Senior Publishing Editor at Springer and member of the Steering Committee of the European Physical Journal (, a publishing partnership between the Italian Physical Society, the French Physical Society and Springer. She runs the publishing operations for a number of journals spanning across condensed matter physics, biophysics and materials science and is editor of a program of books in the same disciplines. Since 2014 she is a part of the Early Career Publishers Committee within the STM Association. She is advocating the integration of new technological tools and metrics within the editorial/publishing workflows, such as social media and article level metrics.
A graduate of the Chemistry Department of the University of Messina, she obtained a Specialization Degree from the University of Torino and a PhD from Imperial College London, before moving to the Nature Publishing Group in 2001 , where she started her career in science publishing with the launch of Nature Materials.
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A graduate of the Chemistry Department of the University of Messina, she obtained a Specialization Degree from the University of Torino and a PhD from Imperial College London, before moving to the Nature Publishing Group in 2001 , where she started her career in science publishing with the launch of Nature Materials.
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Massimiliano Carloni graduated in Electronic Engineering at Tor Vergata, E-MBA at MiB in 2008, aged 44, married, two daughters, has been operating for over 15 years in Sales & Marketing in different sectors and markets.
Since March 2013, he has been working in Thomson Reuters as Strategic Business Manager being in charge of pre and post sales customer support for the entire product portfolio of the Canadian multinational. Previously he was in charge of the Italian Top Accounts of Elsevier. He has developed a deep knowledge of the academic publishing market, paying particular attention to digital platforms.
Previously, he served for five years in the defense multinational Northrop Grumman, dealing with strategic marketing, business development and institutional relations. In his career he has also worked in the SAP area for a long time as a consultant and then as Sales Manager.
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Since March 2013, he has been working in Thomson Reuters as Strategic Business Manager being in charge of pre and post sales customer support for the entire product portfolio of the Canadian multinational. Previously he was in charge of the Italian Top Accounts of Elsevier. He has developed a deep knowledge of the academic publishing market, paying particular attention to digital platforms.
Previously, he served for five years in the defense multinational Northrop Grumman, dealing with strategic marketing, business development and institutional relations. In his career he has also worked in the SAP area for a long time as a consultant and then as Sales Manager.
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Andrea Ferro, account Development e-Resources at Casalini libri. Graduated in Law from the University of Florence, has a background in Marketing and Communications in the IT industry, where he worked for ten years, before joining Casalini libri in 2009. His focus is on opening new markets for the scholarly e-content hosted on the Casalini full text platform Torrossa.
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Federica Rosetta as a member of the Global Academic Relations team at Elsevier, she is involved in the strategy development and implementation of initiatives aimed at enabling the broadest possible access to quality research content and acts as a liaison between Elsevier and funding bodies, universities and research institutions in Europe. Her experience in Scientific Publishing, earned in ten years at Elsevier, spams from marketing communications to publishing and business development. Her passion for Publishing traces back to her Master’s degree in Literature, Press and Publishing History.
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Stefano Tonzani is open access business development manager at Wiley. Trained as a chemical physicist, he has subsequently been Associate Editor and Editor-in-Chief of a number of prestigious traditional and open access scientific journals, and contributed to the launch of several successful open access publications. His focus is now the growth and continuous improvement of Wiley’s open access offering.
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